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PALS May 2015 - Speaker Dr. Deborah Gilman & Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)



  • Dr. Deborah Gilman: Pediatric Psychologist,

  • Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

  • Powerpoint: Getting Your Child an Independent Education Evaluation

  • What is an Independent Educational Evaluation?

  • Not limited to academics also neurological functioning, adapted physical education, sensory needs, and music and art therapy.

  • Anything that happens in the educational setting can be addressed in an IEE.

  • What is the value of an IEE?

  • Can help strengthen your position on what you know about your child.

  • Can be seen as a second opinion.

  • What is required by school districts?

  • Required by law to inform parents of their right to obtain an IEE.

  • They MUST consider the results.

  • MUST tell you why they will not consider the IEE within the writing of a student’s IEP DURING an IEP Meeting.

  • School district’s are NOT immediately required to pay for an IEE, however, if a parent disagrees with a district’s evaluation, or believes there issues being missed within the existing IEP a parent can be then request in writing that a district pay for an IEE.

  • The school district can refuse which can initiate a due process hearing, whether on the part of the district or the parent.

  • Dr. Carrey indicated FCASD does not limit who can evaluate, but does have requirements that must be met.

  • What should I expect from the Independent Evaluator?

  • Writes a report

  • Provides recommendations for an IEP

  • Provides recommendations for changes that need to be made for the current IEP.

  • It is important that the evaluator help you to understand what your child needs to make meaningful progress.

  • IEE Cost

  • Can be $500 - $1000 depending on what is being tested.

  • Important to share your IEE with the school.

Open Forum

  • A.W. Beattie Career Center has a summer camp for middle school age students.

  • FCASD SLA revamped this year. Will be more intensive/academic than in the past.

  • Please visit PALS online for more information on Summer Programs and upcoming seminars.

In Attendance

Sarah Nickel, Stacy London, Deb Gilman, Cathy Nader-Syiek, Kelli Argue, Doris A. Scott, Elizabeth Klamut, John Rehak, Lisa Fisher, Lonnie Carrey

Next Meeting

September 2015 in the meantime please join our mailing list, visit us online at and follow us virtually on Facebook and Twitter @PALSFoxChapel.


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